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Total Contact Hour: 36 hours      No. of Lecture: 18 (2hrs/lecture)

Lecture 1-4
A. Reading
  Grasp the different attributes of text types which are frequently
examined to enhance effective comprehension
  Employ skimming and scanning skills to capture important points
  Familiarize with different question types and their respective answering techniques, such as…
  multiple choice
  short-answer questions
  sentence completion
  notes/summary/diagram/flow-chart/ table completion
  choosing from a ‘heading bank’ for identified paragraphs/sections of the text
  identification of writer’s views/claims – yes, no or not given
  identification of information in the text – yes, no or not given/true,false or not given
  classification
  matching lists/phrases
  Identify key words for each question type and secure marks

Lecture 5-8
B. Writing
Task 1
  Learn to interpret a diagram or table, and to present the information in their own words that appeal
  Train to
  organise, present and possibly compare data
  describe the stages of a process or procedure
  describe an object or event or sequence of events

  explain how something works
Task 2
  Learn how to :
  present the solution to a problem
  present and justify an opinion
  compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications
  evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or an argument
  respond appropriately in terms of register, rhetorical organisation,style and content.

Lecture 9-12
C. Listening
  Familiarize with A range of English accents and dialects used in the
exams which reflects the international usage of English
  Learn to tackle a variety of questions frequently used or chosen from
the following types:
  multiple choice
  short-answer questions
  sentence completion
  notes/summary/diagram/flow-chart/ table completion
  labelling a diagram which has numbered parts
  classification
  matching
  Identify key words for each question type and secure marks

Lecture 13-16
D. Speaking
Part 1
How to make a good impression and answer well general questions about
themselves, their homes/families, their jobs/studies, their interests, and a
range of familiar topic areas.
Part 2
How to make good use of the 1 minute preparation time to formulate good
ideas and structure a good presentation.
How to respond to rounding-off questions given by the Examiner.
Part 3
How to conduct a friendly, impressive discussion with the Examiner.
Fully master the speaking skills on the following:
  Providing personal information
  Expressing a preference
  Providing non-personal information
  Comparing
  Expressing opinions
  Summarising
  Explaining
  Conversation repair
  Suggesting
  Contrasting
  Justifying opinions
  Narrating and paraphrasing
  Speculating
  Analysing

Lecture 17
Mock Exam (Oral Exam)

Lecture 18
Mock Exam (Reading, Listening & Writing)



香港办事处 地址:九龙观塘道418号创纪之城5期1501-08室
电话:852-69287289 传真:852-35759889
宁波办事处 地址:宁波高新区九五商务大厦A座1333
电话:0574-55338109 传真:0574-88103957
上海总部 地址:上海延安中路1440号阿波罗大厦5楼

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